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Single-cell RNA-seq analysis

Learning Goals:

Learning Goals: In this course you will learn the analysis of single-cell RNA-seq from the ground up. You will not only apply a predefined pipeline and bioinformatics tools, but also understand the statistical and technical concepts of high-dimensional and high-throughput data analysis.

We will start with an introduction to the 3' 10x Chromium technique and how to generate a digital count matrix from FASTQ files. We will then go through the steps necessary to identify cell types and marker genes and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches. In the final part, we will focus on GO-term enrichment and batch effect correction strategies. Upon completion of this course, you will be equipped with sufficient knowledge to perform your own single cell RNA-seq data analysis.


Basic understanding of R is required, e.g. via a successful completion of our "Introduction to R proramming" course.


Preis je Teilnehmer*in: 440,30 €

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